Courage to change

3-Day Breakthrough Seminar 

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An integrity based approach to elevate you as a leader and your company’s level of productivity, performance and profitability.

You are a difference maker.

It’s your time to unleash that next level of you!

You will learn how to:


Expand your thoughts, values, and expectations so that you can lead authentically and feel more fulfilled as a person and a leader;


Unleash a next level of courage within you, grow your confidence, and dare to be bolder and take action in areas you have been stuck;


Break through inner barriers that are unconscious to you but are holding you back from achieving the success you want in any area of your life;


Be audacious in expanding what is possible for you, your company and others around you to experience in life;


Be more, get more and enjoy thinking differently about how to ask yourself what you want from life, self, clients, co-workers and anyone else;


Develop deeper and successful strategic alliances with other leaders to grow your business or up-level your career as you have fun in the process!

Keynote Speaker

Giselle Cheminand

President & CEO,

GCI Worldwide Corporation

“Embracing that next level of leadership is not about losing your identity. It’s about opening space for a higher version of you to emerge. Let go of who you are to become who you were meant to be.  That takes courage and we will help you to unleash it.

Join us for this one of a kind experience that will change your ability to lead change authentically and will take your company and your life to a whole new level.”

(View Bio)

The details below will help you plan your travel:



Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa

3030 Holiday Drive Fort Lauderdale,

Florida 33316

Tel: (954) 525-4000


September 20 – 22, 2024


Call us with any questions, or to learn more about this life changing event

(954) 522-4410


I encourage you to participate in the Courage to Change Seminar. If you can imagine how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly I assure you that this is the transformation you will undergo. You will leave not only enlightened, and light enough and strong enough to soar to heights you never imagined.

Cynthia McCauley

CEO, Tenet Florida Physician Services

The Courage to Change Seminar provided an environment to share experiences, knowledge, goals and ambitions with other like-minded leaders. Giselle has a tremendous ability to determine what areas need to be addressed on a deeper level and on a professional level. I discovered very important information that will be invaluable for my future life, personally and professionally; emotionally, mentally and physically. A “must do” in my opinion.

Barbara Anderson

President, Anderson Event Management

The Courage to Change Seminar is a catalyst that propelled the shifting of non-serving patterns, thoughts and behaviors into a powerful expression of self. These non-serving habits held me hostage to being less than. I am grateful to Giselle for sharing her love, expertise and genuine concern to help me to transform my life experience, remove the barriers I had, and allow me to express my highest self. I feel light, free and fulfilled.

Carol Kamercia

VP of Sales, G2

OK, so to the non-corporate individual who does not have a goal per say but does know they need to change, they need to make some change in some part of themselves: family, work, relationships – this will help you find yourself and find the true you. When I did it, I signed up out of desperation, I was flapping now I am soaring. I cannot say enough – if you can open your mind and heart your cup will be filled. I left lighter, stronger, happier, empowered and most important at peace. Give it a chance! It will take you further that you can even believe. Find a way to attend!